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Aspa runestones

The small village of Aspa has a number of rune stones

IMGP3270.JPG Location Sö 137 Side A
"þura : raisþi : stin : þ--si at : ubi : buanti : sin"
"Þora ræisþi stæin þ[ann]si at Øpi, boanda sinn."
"Þóra raised this stone in memory of Œpir, her husbandman."
IMGP3266.JPG Location Side B
": stain : saR:si : stanr : at : ybi : o þik*staþi : at ¶ : þuru : uar : han : uestarla : uakti : karla ¶ [sa þar] * sunr þaþ * raknasuatau(k)i(f)maR[sua]"
"Stæinn saRsi standr at Øpi a þingstaði at Þoru ver. Hann vestarla væknti(?) karla, sa þaR sunR það. ..."
"This stone stands in memory of Œpir, on the Assembly-place in memory of Þóra's husband. He armed(?) (his) men in the west. The son saw this there ..."
IMGP3269.JPG Location

IMGP3268.JPG Location Sö 138
": hiar : stainr : stin : at : kuþan : ybis : arfa : ak : þurunaR kylu : broþurs : kuþ hialbin : at :"
"Hier stændr stæinn at goðan Øpis arfa ok ÞorunnaR, Gyllu broðurs. Guð hialpin and."
"Here stands the stone in memory of Œpir's and Þórunnr's good heir, Gylla's brother. May God help (his) spirit."
IMGP3271.JPG Location

IMGP3273.JPG Location Sö 141
"sloþi auk * rahnfriþ * þau * litu * biþi * bro * k(i)ara * a... * (s)...in * ra-(s)n * eftiR ihulbiarn * sun sin *"
"Sloði ok Ragnfriðr þau letu baði bro gæra o[k] s[tæ]in ræ[i]sa æftiR Igulbiorn, sun sinn."
"Slóði and Ragnfríðr, they both had the bridge made and the stone raised in memory of Ígulbjôrn, their son."
IMGP3275.JPG Location Sö 289
"ostriþ : lit : -ira : ku(m)... ...usi ÷ at : anunt ÷ auk : raknualt : sun : sin ÷: urþu : ta...R : - (t)an...-...(k)u : ua-u : rikiR : o rauniki : ak : snialastiR : i : suiþiuþu"
"Astrið let [g]æra kum[bl þa]usi at Anund ok Ragnvald, sun sinn. Urðu da[uði]R [i] Dan[mar]ku, va[R]u rikiR a Rauningi ok sniallastiR i Sveþiuðu."
"Astrid had this memorial made after Anund and Ragnvald, her son. (They) died in Denmark, were powerful in Rauningi and the ablest in Sweden."
IMGP3277.JPG Location


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» Aspa lake view from Stockholm and beyond
As well as the rune stones the small village of Aspa has a beautiful view of the lake - indeed this was, in ancient times, a very important place in Sweden as all of the kings would cross the river... [Read More]


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