I followed the trail of cars on the streets around Barkarby to find the show on the Flygplats. There was more focus on American cars than at the last show at Tullinge.
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I followed the trail of cars on the streets around Barkarby to find the show on the Flygplats. There was more focus on American cars than at the last show at Tullinge.
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» Classic American cars at Barkarby from Stockholm and beyond
Some classic American cars at Barkarby, some of these turned up at Tullinge. Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location... [Read More]
» Classic Swedish cars in Barkarby from Stockholm and beyond
Some classic Swedish cars at Barkarby, Location Location... [Read More]
» Street Car Fest - the track from Stockholm and beyond
Street Car Fest came to the Barkarby Flygplats, this was a much bigger day than the last one, in the corner of a car park on a rainy day. And the cars more real, somehow, than the classic cars the... [Read More]
» Sollentuna Nature Reserve from Stockholm and beyond
To the north of Akalla, is a nature reserve with the Barkarby Flygplats in one corner. Location Location Location... [Read More]
» Classic cars at Barkarby from Stockholm and beyond
This years show at Barkarby was a good deal smaller than last years, since the weather was quite horrible. Still, there were a few good cars out. Location Location Location Location... [Read More]
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2008 8:45 AM.
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