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Gamla Uppsala

We stopped by Uppsala, visiting the old town this time. I was expecting this to be more of a town, instead it is the site of the ancient village, with a number of burial mounds and a lot of history.
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» Gamla Uppsala rune stones from Stockholm and beyond
There are a couple of rune stones by the church in Gamla Uppsala. Location U979 Location U980 "Eilífr and Sigviðr had the stone raised in memory of Véfastr, their father." Location Location U978 "Sigviðr, traveller to England, raised this stone... [Read More]

» Gamla Uppsala again from Stockholm and beyond
We took another trip to Gamla Uppsala. This time just before Walpurgis Night so there was a big bonfire being built - Uppsala is one of the main centres for the Walpurgis celebrations in Sweden. Location Location Location Location... [Read More]


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